Mathematics is the key to opportunity. No longer just the language of science, mathematics now contributes in direct and fundamental ways to business, finance, health and defence. For students, it opens doors to careers. For citizens, it enables informed decisions. For nations, it provides knowledge to compete in a technological community. To commemorate the birthday of the great Mathematician Srinivas Ramanujan Iyengar, Math Dept. Organised the Math EXPO, on 04-01-2019 with events such as, Creative Attire, Model Making, Math Puzzle and Math Quiz.

Creative Attire – Famous Mathematician was conducted for grade 1 and grade 2 students. Daniel Bernoulli, Pythagoras and the first woman Mathematician in the world Hypatia, were also there to represent foreign Mathematicians. By participating in the event, students as well as parents experienced and appreciated the contributions of Mathematicians.

A Mathematical Model Making Competition took place, where the models were devised using Mathematical approaches to understand and make decisions about real world phenomena. The competition was held for students from classes 3rd to 8th. On the basis of their concepts, applications and presentations models were judged by teachers from Mathematics department.

Mathematical Puzzles is an integral part of recreational mathematics. Mathematical puzzles require Mathematics to solve them. A Math Puzzle Competition was held for students from classes 3rd to 8th. On the basis of their concepts, applications and presentations models were judged by teachers from Mathematics department. Lastly the Quiz began with the introduction of the quizmaster and contestants from math club students.

"Learning gives Creativity, Creativity leads to Thinking, Thinking provides Knowledge, Knowledge makes us Great".

It was interesting four round competition, including Rapid fire, Visual, Take your chance, Personality Identification round which engaged the students for one hour. The students showcased their brilliance by rapidly answering the questions. Though some of the questions were very tricky, the teams tried to answer them with confidence. The questions put forth to the teams were intriguing, exciting and made the audience go ‘Aah!’ and clap when the teams answered correctly. SFS Academy encourages such positive competitions and hopes to bring out the best in all its students through such competitive events, while ensuring that the children learn through all possible ways – not just through books and classroom teaching.