There is always some expectation and curiosity before embarking on a field trip, the nerves start to kick in as the buses are being loaded up, cautiously you start to wonder whether you packed enough clothes, snacks, what the trip is going to be like and how we are going to spend this valuable time from sunrise to sunset. Field trips are organised in schools to encourage and enable students to be independent, curious, strengthen their social abilities, help in team building and promote physical and mental health. In this time and day, it is most important to inculcate the behaviour of visiting the outdoors to refresh and enhance wellbeing of each child. With this idea in mind, SFS Academy organised a series of field trips for students of upper Kindergarten to grade X. these trips included a visit to Bannergatta Zoo on the fateful day of 30.11.18 for all students of UKG, where they witnessed various animal and bird species, indulged in fun activities and peaceful walks. An Agri tour was organised on 21.11.18 for all students of grade VI to grade X, as they are at an apt age to inculcate and understand the importance of agriculture and the process of us receiving our main source of energy. This trip helped students to become aware of agricultural produce use and wastage as well as animal welfare. I to V graders were a part of the Fun tour organised by the management , where they visited a resort and were part of indoor and outdoor games, park trips, dance and other fun activities on 03.12.18. Memories of school educational trips are among the most prominent of the formative years, largely because they are a welcome break in the routine for students and teachers. The type of memories that these trips create helps children retain information for a longer period of time